Tuesday 11 June 2013


February, and March, and April were busy months at work. While I spend a good portion of my time at my desk in front of a computer, I've also been lucky enough to travel around Malawi attending meetings and presentations. Its a great way to see more of the country!

In March I traveled with my colleague Kellen to introduce a new database to district health officers. It was a really fun and interesting road trip.Most work related destinations (ex: Blantyre, the main commercial city in the country) are between 2 and 6 hours away by car. This leaves plenty of time for viewing the beautiful countryside!

Kellen did a great job sharing some of our work:

Conference and meeting centers are general quite nice. One was located next to a large shallow lake, reportedly full of hippos (although we weren't able to see any that day)

I was particularly impressed with the meeting facilities in Mzuzu, a town located in a more hilly northern area. And I found myself distracted by the beautiful view out the window!

Sunday 9 June 2013

A long overdue posting

After a solid initial effort, my blog posting fell to the bottom of my to-do list, and unfortunately it just hasn't been getting done! Sorry!

My new plan is to post pictures, at the very least. So here are some animals from a trip to South Luangwa National Park, Zambia, March 2nd-4th!

Croc Valley Camp included luxurious tents and a hippo-friendly pool (seriously). The camp is located just outside the border of the South Luangwa National Park making hippo and giraffe sightings a common occurrence! And once inside the park we were treated to an amazing variety of animals!