Wednesday 30 January 2013

29°C with a 30% chance of showers

The climate in Malawi can be divided into three seasons: Coolish and dry from May-August, hot and humid from September-November, and rainy and warm from December-April. While precipitation varies throughout the year, temperature remains consistently not-too-hot and not-too-cold.

If you look up "When to Visit Malawi" you'll find that most travelers avoid visiting at this time of the year due to the rainy season. However, I'm quite happy to have arrived in the wet months for two reasons:

#1: I can more easily conserve my limited supply of SPF 60

#2: The whole country is lush and green (and incredibly beautiful)!

Every available inch of land is sprouting with an incredible variety of different plants and the countryside is painted in shades of green. While driving back to Lilongwe last weekend we decided to take a detour through the scenic Dedza Pass just before sunset. (We spent the weekend at Lake Malawi, which I guarantee I'll write a post on later.)

I'm still trying to decide whether or not I've seen any place more beautiful.

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