Wednesday 20 February 2013

Lake Trip #3: Weekend at Mumbo Island

Hello all!

I apologize for the lack of blog posts. This past week has been very busy at work and unfortunately, 14 hour work days leave little time for blogging!

But here are a couple of photos to enjoy until I can get another proper post up!

Date: Feb 1st-3rd
Location: The spectacular Mumbo Island on Lake Malawi (3.5 hrs from Lilongwe)
Details: I joined a group of ~25 expats for a weekend on Lake Malawi. This included 1 night on Mumbo Island; a spectacular eco-resort on a beautiful island on the lake.

Mumbo Island

Mumbo Island is collection of open-air buildings and covered tents scattered throughout the forest on an island. Mike, a local tour operator and friend, organized the trip as a quick getaway for those of us working in Lilongwe. One of Mike's drivers drove us out to Cape Maclear after work on Friday. After a social night in Cape Maclear, we boarded a boat and headed across the water to the island!


As one of the last to sign up for the trip, I stayed in a tent on the beach instead of one of the official villas. However, this meant that I had my very own beachfront accommodation complete with a comfortable mattress, clean sheets, and an amazing view!!

We spent the day swimming and snorkeling and as evening came closer we started to get in costume for a Murder Mystery Party! My character was a gold-digging waitress named Candy Cotton who was dating an older millionaire Thurston Howard III. I wasn't sure how well I would be able to pull off the gold-digging waitress character, but apparently I did well, because I won a top prize for my acting/dumb-blond abilities! Hummmm.....

Candy Cotton and Thurston Howard III (aka Patrick, our main contact at the Ministry of Health here in Lilongwe)

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